Restaurant Review: Press195

One of the places that I got really wet-my-pants excited about when I moved here was a place called Bell Boulevard, located in Bayside, Queens.  I thought it would serve as a surrogate South Street, with numerous restaurants but without the flash mobs, gunfire, and general peril that is part of Philly's charm.  I had taken several trips down Bell Blvd. just to window shop, and one day I finally decided to bite the bullet and try Press195, a restaurant known for its sandwiches.

"Oh...sandwiches...interesting," I can hear you saying sarcastically.  Well you know what?  Eff you, loyal reader.  As mother dearest can attest, I have been eating ham and cheese sandwiches for lunch since I had teeth.  I literally live off of sandwiches, and when I get the chance to try some upscale versions of my favorites, I won't turn it down.  So one day, after a long and grueling day at work, I found myself a spot at their bar, caught some sports action, and had a meatloaf knish.

Let me preface this by saying I was very hungry.  Like, Las Vegas buffet hungry.  So when I asked the waiter for one of his biggest sandwiches, he recommended this one.  You can imagine my utter disappointment when he brought out what appeared to be dinner for a family of sparrows.  This sandwich was no bigger than my left hand!  I had just spent $9 for what essentially amounted to finger food.  "This better taste good, homes, or I'm going to YOLO all over your face," I thought to myself (see, I'm hip).

The knish itself was good, but not great.  The sandwich is essentially a meatloaf dinner served in between two potato-based patties.  I believe Bell Blvd. suffers from Yelp inflation, in which the surrounding area has so many low quality restaurants that the average score of any given restaurant is probably 1/2 star too high (this is actually a problem of Long Island in general).  In any case, I was underwhelmed.  So much so, in fact, that I have not been back to Bell Blvd. since.  Hey, when it's a meatloaf knish or singles for a strip club, your priorities have a way of sorting themselves out.  Wait, what?

Hey, thanks for the horse doovers!

Verdict: 3.5 out of 5 YOLOs.


  1. I looove Press 195 but their portion sizes are pretty ordinary. Hope you tried the fries (some of the best ever), and next time get a sandwich on their ciabatta, it's awesome!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I had actually read some reviews on the amazing fries on Yelp but for some reason I didn't order it. I'll give it a second chance :).
